Hoon Basics: Libraries


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can I import code into a Hoon program?

  • Access built-in libraries.

  • Create a library in lib/ and utilize it using /+.

  • Access a library in the Dojo with -build-file.

  • Compose Hoon that adheres to the Tlon Hoon style guide.

Accessing Built-In Library Cores

Hoon provides a wrapped subject: Arvo wraps %zuse wraps hoon.hoon. These subject components are immediately available to you when you run any program. In addition to these, some contexts expose the [our now eny] pattern of ship-bound knowledge: the current ship identity our, the system time now, and a source of entropy eny. (This, incidentally, is why the boot process is necessary for each instance including fakezods.)

If you need more functionality than these, you can import a library using the Ford / fas runes; specifically,

You can also directly build a file in Dojo with the thread -build-file; this is frequently more convenient for interactive testing.

=foo -build-file %/lib/foo/hoon

At this point, most operations are first-class features of the Hoon subject. For instance, to render a string with URL-compatible codes:

=mytape "Parallax_(Star_Trek:_Voyager)"
(weld "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" (en-urlt:html mytape))

Useful Libraries

Check the contents of the /lib directory with the +ls generator:

> +ls %/lib

View the contents of a file with the +cat generator:

> +cat %/lib/ethereum/hoon

(No syntax highlighting with +cat, alas!)

You’ll see many of these employed in the Gall agents we compose tomorrow.

Libraries in Use

Scan through the generators in %/gen and see which libraries are used and how they are imported.

There are some notable omissions still which you can rectify for yourself:

Hoon Style

Dogmatically good Hoon style has evolved over the years, and the current Arvo kernel is a palimpsest of styles.

Deducing Style

Examine several source code files. Enumerate some principles of good Hoon style that you infer from these.

Generally speaking, Hoon prefers short variable names with loose mnemonics, left-aligned rune branches, sparse commentary, and preference of whichever irregular form is most expressive in-context.

Hoon’s position on layout is: so long as your code is (a) correctly commented, (b) free from blank or overlong lines, (c) parses, and (d) looks good, it’s good layout.

We do need to distinguish two common forms that you’ve already encountered in vivo:

Perfect is the enemy of good-enough, particularly when you are getting started. Focus on writing working code with clear intent before getting hung up on formatting.

Key Points

  • Libraries are code which can be built and included in the subject of downstream code.