`%gall`: Constructing an App


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 45 min
  • How can I build a %gall app starting from a minimal working example?

  • Produce a new %gall app with specified behavior.

Building %delta to Count Pokes

This entire section is a team exercise. You should work in a GitHub repository to which you all have access and employ basic pair programming to talk through your solution process.

Your team’s objective is to update the %charlie agent to a new %delta agent, which does the following:

  1. Accept remote pokes from another ship. Pokes should be either increment or decrement requests.
  2. Upon receipt of an increment request, increment a count in a map of @p@ud for each ship. Add the key if necessary.
  3. Upon receipt of a decrement request, decrement the corresponding counter.
  4. In either case, print the resulting value on the local ship and send a poke to the remote ship to make it print the result as well.


  • While it is possible to set up a remote Urbit testnet, for our purposes it is simpler to test the agent using two (or more) fakezods on a single computer. (You can also use several comets on the live network.)

    Of course, since you can only have one ~zod, you should pick another ship (galaxy, star, or planet). Use @p on any unsigned integer for inspiration, then boot a new clean ship and backup as on Day One.

  • You can distinguish output lines visually using the >/>>/>>> syntax for ~&:

      ~&  >  "log"        :: blue (log)
      ~&  >>  "warning"   :: yellow (warning)
      ~&  >>>  "error"    :: red (error)
  • You should store the sending ship and counter as a map. Use the ++by door to work with maps.

  • Most of the arms can be left alone as defaults: for instance, there is no subscription in this model.

Key Points

  • A %gall app can be readily produced to a standard of operability.