`%gall`: A Minimal Working Example


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • What are the structure and expectations of a %gall app?

  • Understand how %gall instruments an app.

  • Produce a basic %gall app.

“It was six men of Indostan,/To learning much inclined”

On the first day, we talked about bones and trunks and ivory. Today we’re going to meet an elephant.

Unfortunately, there’s not really a good way to modulate the sudden jump in complexity we’re encountering now. You can’t really build an airplane from just a wing: you have to leap from “wing” to “airplane” in one go.

We will proceed at first by simply providing examples of fully-formed %gall agents and discussing their structure and salient features. As our objective today is relatively modest—being able to write and deploy a simple app—this should suffice to whet your appetite.

A Minimal Working Example

Before we do anything substantial with %gall, however, we are simply going to look at a minimal working example. This is the equivalent of a pass statement, it does nothing and talks to no one, whistling in the dark.


/-  alfa
/+  default-agent, dbug
+$  versioned-state
  $%  state-0
+$  state-0
  $:  [%0 hexes=(list @ux)]
+$  card  card:agent:gall
%-  agent:dbug
=|  state-0
=*  state  -
^-  agent:gall
|_  =bowl:gall
+*  this      .
    default   ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
    main      ~(. +> bowl)
++  on-init
  ^-  (quip card _this)
  ~&  >  '%alfa initialized successfully'
  =.  state  [%0 *(list @ux)]
++  on-save   on-save:default
++  on-load   on-load:default
++  on-poke
  |=  [=mark =vase]
  ^-  (quip card _this)
  ?+    mark  (on-poke:default mark vase)
    ?+    q.vase  (on-poke:default mark vase)
      ~&  >>  state
      ~&  >>>  bowl  `this
    ~&  >  %alfa-action
    =^  cards  state
    (handle-action:main !<(action:alfa vase))
    [cards this]
++  on-arvo   on-arvo:default
++  on-watch  on-watch:default
++  on-leave  on-leave:default
++  on-peek   on-peek:default
++  on-agent  on-agent:default
++  on-fail   on-fail:default
|_  =bowl:gall
++  handle-action
  |=  =action:alfa
  ^-  (quip card _state)
  ?-    -.action
    =.  hexes.state  (weld hexes.state ~[value.action])
    ~&  >>  hexes.state
    :_  state
    ~[[%give %fact ~[/hexes] [%atom !>(hexes.state)]]]

Install this agent by copying in these files:

cp -r src/gall-alfa/* zod/home

(We’ll use a shell script introduced a bit later on to assist with this.)

Until a couple of weeks ago, the syntax to start a %gall agent was |start. As of Grid’s release, this has switched to |rein. Run this by itself to see what it expects as input arguments:

dojo> |rein
>   dojo: nest-need
[ [now=@da eny=@uvJ bec=[p=@p q=@tas r=?([%da p=@da] [%tas p=@tas] [%ud p=@ud])]]
  [desk=@tas arg=it([?(%.y %.n) @tas])]
  liv=?(%.y %.n)
>   dojo: nest-have
[ [now=@da eny=@uvJ bec=[p=@p q=@tas r=?([%da p=@da] [%tas p=@tas] [%ud p=@ud])]]
  liv=?(%.y %.n)

We need to do the following in order to have our development desk for the rest of the workshop:

  1. Create a new desk for development.

     |merge %echo our %base
  2. Mount the desk.

     |mount %echo
  3. Create the /app/alfa.hoon, /sur/alfa.hoon, and /mar/alfa/action.hoon files (below).

  4. Install the desk (without a %docket file).

     |install our %echo
  5. Start the agent on the desk.

     |rein %echo [& %alfa]
  6. Interact with the agent.

     :alfa &alfa-action append-value+0xdead.beef
     :alfa %print-state

    (We distinguish two ways of directly poking an agent. Note that the ++on-poke arm expects [=mark =vase]. If we poke with a bare @tas then the mark is implicitly %noun. Otherwise, we specify a mark with & then the required data, which gets wrapped in a vase.)

  7. At any point, you can check the internal state using the debug subject wrapper:

     :alfa +dbug

Any nontrivial app needs to define some shared files, which is one of the reasons this is an elephant. In particular, a shared structure in /sur and a mark in /mar are required to handle data transactions.

The shared structure defines common molds like actions and expected structural definitions (e.g. as tagged unions or associative arrays).


+$  action
  $%  [%append-value value=@ux]

Most marks are straightforward or can be developed by glancing at others.


/-  alfa
|_  =action:alfa
++  grab
  ++  noun  action:alfa
++  grow
  ++  noun  action
++  grad  %noun


  • Examine /sur/dns.hoon (basic) or /sur/bitcoin.hoon (advanced).
  • Examine /mar/json.hoon.

A Shell Script

Place this shell script into your root working directory and use it to update each %gall agent:

#! /bin/sh
mkdir -p $1/home/mar/$2
yes | cp $2/src/mar/action.hoon $1/home/mar/$2
yes | cp $2/src/sur/$2.hoon $1/home/sur
yes | cp $2/src/app/$2.hoon $1/home/app


./copy-in.sh zod alfa

Note that this assumes you have already run |mount % and that you run |commit %home after each Unix-side update.

How It Works

Every Gall agent is a door with two components in its subject:

  1. bowl:gall for Gall-standard tools and data structures
  2. App state information

The bowl is a collection of information which renders the agent legible to Arvo, such as providing the subscriptions:

++  bowl              ::  standard app state
  $:  $:  our=ship    ::  host
          src=ship    ::  guest
          dap=term    ::  agent
      ==              ::
      $:  wex=boat    ::  outgoing subscriptions
          sup=bitt    ::  incoming subscriptions
      ==              ::
      $:  act=@ud     ::  change number
          eny=@uvJ    ::  entropy
          now=@da     ::  current time
          byk=beak    ::  load source
  ==  ==

For instance, the incoming subscriptions are a map from the duct (or (list path)) to a particular path on a particular ship.

+$  bitt  (map duct (pair ship path))

The duct is the main construct for tracking information. (Think back to our discussion of scrying: this is the same concept in new clothes.) The path or wire (same thing) bears a characteristic structure for each vane. For instance, a directory listing from %clay is a simple path into /c with a tag y indicating the type of request:

> `path`[%cy /===/sys/vane]
> `(list @t)`[%cy /===/sys/vane]
<|cy ~sev home ~2021.9.17..17.15.48..8a3f sys vane|>
> `(list @ta)`[%cy /===/sys/vane]
> `(list @tas)`[%cy /===/sys/vane]
~[%cy %~sev %home %~2021.9.17..17.16.01..a51e %sys %vane]

(This path can be directly executed with .^ dotket as follows: .^(arch %cy /===/sys/vane).)

A %gall path could look like this:

> `path`[%gx /=settings-store=/has-entry/urbit-agent-permissions/'http://localhost:3000'/noun]

So this is called a path but it’s really a complete package of request type, agent information, and data with metadata.

Agents v. Apps

The terminology for userspace has not yet completely solified. I strive to use “agent” to refer to a particular running instance, like a “container” in Docker, whereas an “app” is more like a Docker “image”, the archetypal instance. However, I will frequently and inadvertently use “agent” in synecdoche to refer to apps.

Key Points

  • A %gall app expects certain arms to be present to handle and emit events.