Arvo: API & Scrying


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How do I access data locally?

  • How do I access data remotely?

  • Update and access the file system.

  • Scry for local and remote data.

  • Use subscriptions to access data.

  • Enumerate functionality of the Urbit API.

Data tend to live in one of two places in Urbit:

  1. %clay holds files (typically source files).
  2. %gall holds data stores (of all kinds: metadata, data, etc.).

Other data are frequently stored off-ship, such as in an S3 bucket.

Filesystem Operations

Most of the filesystem operations are necessary because of coordination with Earth. That is, one develops software and library code using a text editor or IDE, then needs to synchronize the Martian copy with the Earthling copy. (While there have been a couple of ed clones produced, text editing on Mars is extremely primitive if it exists at all.)

To produce a new desk, one must branch from a current desk:

|merge %new-desk our %base
|mount %new-desk

You have seen |mount and |commit previously, but let’s examine them in light of desks:

:: Mount a desk to the Unix filesystem.
|mount %landscape

:: Commit changes from Unix to Mars.
|commit %landscape

For convenience, you can catch formatted output in the Dojo using *:

*%/output/txt +julia 24

This produces a file home/output.txt (note that the suffix must be a valid mark).

To run a generator on another desk besides %base, you can either change to that desk explicitly or invoke via the desk name.

=dir /=new-desk=

Julia Set Fractal Generator (Optional)

Download the file julia.hoon and paste its contents into a new desk named fractals. Commit it and run it using +fractals!julia +24. Redirect its output for a larger input (not more than 100) to a file on desk.

Userspace Operations

The main data operations in Urbit userspace are: scries, pokes, and subscriptions.


We’ve talked at some length about data access through scrying, but how does one actually do this? Most of the time these events are generated as a matter of course through %gall agents as moves which Arvo automatically handles, but there is a lightweight way to access them as well: .^ dotket.

A .^ dotket call accepts a type p for the result of the call and a compound path which indicates where the call goes and other information.

::  Query %clay for a list of files at the current path.
.^(arch %cy %)

The first letter of the second element (@tas) indicates the destination vane of the move. The second letter of the query is a mode flag. Most vanes only recognize a %x mode, but %clay has a very sophisticated array of calls, including:

Some examples:

::  Build a conversion mark from JSON to txt.
.^(tube:clay %cc /~zod/home/1/json/txt)

::  Query %clay for a list of files at the current path.
.^(arch %cy %)

::  Ask for a file from several hours ago.
.^(arch %cy /(scot %p our)/home/(scot %da (sub now ~h5)))

::  Scry into graph-store for messages
.^(noun %gx /=graph-store=/keys/noun)

::  Scry into metadata-store for current state
.^(noun %gx /=metadata-store=/export/noun)



As mentioned previously, Urbit prefers a reactive data flow model in which when a value or data store is updated it notifies all subscribers (rather than having them poll periodically). Internal subscriptions, or subscriptions between ships, take the form of

A subscription is a stream of events from a publisher to a subscriber, where

  1. the publisher has indicated interest in that stream,
  2. any update sent to one subscriber is sent to all subscribers on the same stream, and
  3. when the publisher has a new update ready,

they send it immediately to their subscribers instead of waiting for a later request.


Urbit API

Besides the Urbit internal API (which includes the standard arms of vanes and the semantics of moves), there is also the Urbit external API, which handles Mars ⇄ Earth communications. This is accomplished through the intermediary of %eyre which supports two-way channels to external agents and applications.

Key Points

  • The main data operations in Urbit are: pokes, scries, and subscriptions.

  • A poke is like an HTTP PUT request for data.

  • A scry is like an HTTP GET retrievel of data.

  • A subscription is a reactive request for data updates.