Arvo: Vane Roles


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What services do Arvo vanes provide?

  • How do I access system operations?

  • Understand architecture of the %ames network and communications.

  • Access file data from %clay.

  • Access arbitrary revisions of a file through %clay.

  • Manipulate remote data through %eyre/%iris.

  • Provide external commands to Arvo through %khan.

Arvo Vanes

Each vane has a characteristic structure which identifies it as a vane to Arvo and allows it to handle moves consistently. Most operations are one of three things:

  1. A scry or request for data (++peek or ++scry or ++on-peek).
  2. An update (++poke).
  3. An evaluation (of a core) (++wish).

In order to orient yourself around the kinds of things the Urbit OS does, it is worth a brief tour of the Arvo vanes. Each vane offers a particular system service. These are sometimes represented schematically as the kernel layer around the Arvo state machine:

%ames, A Network

In a sense, %ames is the operative definition of an Urbit ship on the network. That is, from outside of one’s own urbit, the only specification that must be hewed to is that %ames behaves a certain way in response to events. (Of course, without a fully operational ship behind the %ames receiver not much would happen.)

%ames implements a system expecting—and delivering—guaranteed one-time delivery. This derives from an observation in the Whitepaper:

There is a categorical difference between a bus, which transports commands, and a network, which transports packets. You can drop a packet but not a command; a packet is a fact and a command is an order. To send commands over a wire is unforgivable: you’ve turned your network into a bus. Buses are great, but networks are magic.

Facts are inherently idempotent; learning fact X twice is the same as learning it once. You can drop a packet, because you can ignore a fact. Orders are inherently sequential; if you get two commands to do thing X, you do thing X twice.

%ames communicates using the UDP protocol. Data requests into %ames typically locate ship and peer information, protocol version, ship state, etc. Peer discovery is handled via stars and galaxies, followed by peer-to-peer routing after discovery (barring breach).

The runtime tells Ames which physical address a packet came from, represented as an opaque atom. Ames can emit a packet effect to one of those opaque atoms or to the Urbit address of a galaxy (root node), which the runtime is responsible for translating to a physical address. One runtime implementation sends UDP packets using IPv4 addresses for ships and DNS lookups for galaxies, but other implementations may overlay over other kinds of networks.

%behn, A Timer

%behn is a simple vane that promises to emit events after—but never before—their timestamp. This is used as a wake-up timer for many deferred events. %behn maintains an event handler and a state.

As the shortest vane, we commend %behn to the student as an excellent subject for a first dive into the structure of a vane.

%behn scries retrieve timers, timestamps, next timer to fire, etc.

%clay, A File System

%clay is one of the most significant vanes in Arvo. %clay is a global-namespace typed version-control filesystem, meaning that

  1. it can refer to any value on any ship (although it may not be able to access said value);
  2. it has a type for each noun it holds; and
  3. it retains a full history of the file system.

%clay primarily holds source code files: libraries, generators, threads, agents, marks, etc. The actual source code of %clay is possibly the thickest jungle: it contains some very old conventions and has a particular byzantine naming system compared to later vanes.

The basic data model of %clay is that paths yield files which are basically typed data blobs. The type is a mark, which is a representation and conversion routine. Marks are stored in /mar, and have a system of conversion to other types, conversion from other types, etc.

Marks and conversions

A mark is a rule for a data structure. It’s sort of like a file extension for %clay. %clay also maintains rules for mapping that data structure (such as %json) to another (like %txt). Any %clay path includes the mark to use on that file—it’s not really a file extension, per se, it’s an interpretive rule! Marks live in mar/ and have a standard core structure.

For instance, the mark for %json lives at mar/json.hoon and reads as:

::::  /hoon/json/mar
/?    310
::::  compute
=,  eyre
=,  format
=,  html
|_  jon=json
++  grow                                                ::  convert to
  ++  mime  [/application/json (as-octs:mimes -:txt)]   ::  convert to %mime
  ++  txt   [(crip (en-json jon))]~
++  grab
  |%                                                    ::  convert from
  ++  mime  |=([p=mite q=octs] (fall (rush (@t q.q) apex:de-json) *json))
  ++  noun  json                                        ::  clam from %noun
  ++  numb  numb:enjs
  ++  time  time:enjs
++  grad  %mime

Marks are used to:

  1. Convert between marks (tubes).
  2. Diff, patch, and merge for %clay’s revision control operations.
  3. Validate untyped nouns.

Each mark has three arms:

  1. ++grow converts to the mark (first attempt to convert).
  2. ++grab converts from the mark (second attempt to convert).
  3. ++grad is used to ++diff, ++pact, ++join, and ++mash the noun.

Besides %clay, the %gall userspace vane uses marks to validate and manipulate the data values being carried by pokes and scries.

paths are resolved within a given desk, which is like a Git branch. Until very recently this only mattered for OTA updates, in which your local %home desk received an update from your Azimuth sponsor’s %kids desk. Now, however, desks have become the primary mode of software distribution. We will revisit them as a practical matter later today.

Now that you have seen a little more of how vanes work, take a gander at the +ls and +cat generators. (These are the most complicated generators we’ll see.)

> +cat %/gen/ls/hoon
::  LiSt directory subnodes
::::  /hoon/ls/gen
/?    310
/+    show-dir
~&  %
:-  %say
|=  [^ [arg=path ~] vane=?(%g %c)]
=+  lon=.^(arch (cat 3 vane %y) arg)
tang+[?~(dir.lon leaf+"~" (show-dir vane arg dir.lon))]~
> +cat %/gen/cat/hoon
::  ConCATenate file listings
::::  /hoon/cat/gen
/?    310
/+    pretty-file, show-dir
:-  %say
|=  [^ [arg=(list path)] vane=?(%g %c)]
=-  tang+(flop `tang`(zing -))
%+  turn  arg
|=  pax=path
^-  tang
=+  ark=.^(arch (cat 3 vane %y) pax)
?^  fil.ark
  ?:  =(%sched -:(flop pax))
    [>.^((map @da cord) (cat 3 vane %x) pax)<]~
  [leaf+(spud pax) (pretty-file .^(noun (cat 3 vane %x) pax))]
?-     dir.ark                                          ::  handle ambiguity
  [rose+[" " `~]^~[leaf+"~" (smyt pax)]]~
    [[@t ~] ~ ~]
  $(pax (welp pax /[p.n.dir.ark]))
  =-  [palm+[": " ``~]^-]~
  :~  rose+[" " `~]^~[leaf+"*" (smyt pax)]
      `tank`(show-dir vane pax dir.ark)

++ford , A Build System

++ford builds code (either from the Dojo, from a library, from an app, etc.). ++ford used to be a standalone vane but was integrated into %clay in 2020.

++ford provides a number of runes for building and importing code into a subject:

Importing with * removes the face (i.e. imports directly into the namespace), while foo=bar renames the face.

Build a Mark (Optional)

A csv file (comma-seperated value or common seperator of values) contains tabular information with entry fields across lines and records spanning down.


Compose a mark capable of conversion from a CSV file to a plain-text file (and vice versa).

The ++grad arm can be copied from the hoon mark, since we are not concerned with preserving CSV integrity.


=,  csv
|_  csv/@t
++  grow
  ++  txt  text
++  grab
  ++  noun  @t
  ++  txt   parse
++  grad  %txt

%dill , A Terminal Driver

%dill handles keypress events generated from the keyboard or telnet. This includes the state of the terminal window (size, shape, etc.) and keystroke-by-keystroke events. %dill scrys are unusual, in that they are typically only necessary for fine-grained Arvo control of the display. Even command-line apps instrumented with %shoe do not call into %dill commonly. The only instance of use in the current Arvo kernel is in Herm, the terminal session manager.

%eyre and %iris, Server and Client Vanes

%eyre handles HTTP requests from clients. For instance, %eyre handles session cookies for the browser. %eyre is also the main interface for %gall agents to the outside world. Channels are defined as pipelines from external HTTP clients to %eyre as a thin layer over %gall agents, and back again.

%iris handles HTTP requests from servers. For instance, %iris can fetch remote HTTP resources (HTTP GET command).

%jael , Secretkeeper

%jael keeps secrets, the cryptographic keys that make it possible to securely control your Urbit. Among other cryptographic facts, %jael keeps track of the following:

%jael weighs in as one of the shorter vanes, but is critical to Urbit as a secure network-first operating system. %jael is in fact the first vane loaded after %dill when bootstrapping Arvo on a new instance because it breaks symmetry and provides identity.

Key Points

  • Vanes communicate by means of events.

  • %ames provides network communications including peer-to-peer events.

  • %clay instruments a typed version-controlled filesystem.

  • %eyre and %iris together offer client and server operations.

  • %khan is the external control plane.